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iPrimary | Science

iPrimary | Science

iPrimary Science

About this course

iPrimary Science programme is based on the latest English National Curriculum (2014) and provides a strong foundation in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Learning through simple experiments and interactive practical activities, children develop their curiosity and a genuine desire to explore the world. This helps to develop students’ learning-to-learn skills and critical thinking. Content-language integrated approach(CLIL) and immersion into the English language environment helps to master students’ English and easily learn the scientific vocabulary.


What is Science in iPrimary? What do students learn?

It is one of the most exciting and practical subjects in the curriculum!

Along with English and Maths, Science remains one of the main core subjects in primary school. It is a real joy for teachers and pupils. All the children like the chance to learn through being totally hands-on and finding things out for themselves — the perfect way to understand the world around them. Success in Science during primary years is also key to encouraging children to not only study this at secondary school, but also potentially to follow it as a career. At the early stages Science is like Understanding the World area of learning. Your child will mainly learn about science through games and play – which objects float and sink during water play, for example. Activities such as these will help your child to develop important skills such as observation, prediction and critical thinking.

What is the connection between the content of Science in different classes?

Сertain topics and areas are repeated across year groups, meaning that children may revisit a particular topic in each year of primary school but with increasing difficulty and with a different focus each time. For example, the area of animals, is taught every year, with a progression of knowledge and understanding from Year 1 to Year 6:

In Year 1 children look at the human body, recogne animal groups and sort these animals.

By Year 6, this develops into knowing the internal structure of the human body, classifying living things based on more complex characteristics. Alongside the skills the children need to become accurate, careful and confident practical scientists are also being developed. For example: In Year 1 a child may have to ask questions, carry out a simple test, record simple data and then try to answer questions.

By Year 6, they should be able to plan and carry out a fair test by using equipment accurately and taking exact readings or measurements. They are also expected to be able to draw conclusions from their results and record them using a range of graphs and charts.

5 modules:

  1. Parts of the body
  2. Seasons. Weather
  3. Plants
  4. Animals
  5. Materials

5 projects

Science vocabulary: About 120 words and phrases.

  • Describe, identify, name, and recognize the functions of the main parts of the human body; identify feelings.
  • Name the seasons, describe the weather, read the weather symbols.
  • Recognize, name and group some common plants into flowering plants and trees, deciduous and evergreen plants. Plant seeds and observe the process of growing. Make a herbarium.
  • Recognize and group the common animals (domestic/wild; mammals/birds/fish/reptiles/amphibians); name their food, their cubs.
  • Identify and name the basic materials and their properties; examine the properties of sand, clay, water, wood, tell what the favorite toy is made of, describe their properties.

6 modules:

  1. Research
  2. Animals and People
  3. Planet Earth
  4. Plants
  5. Physics
  6. Materials

6 projects

Science vocabulary: About 150 words and phrases.

  • Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammals, amphibians, insects and a birds, name the stages of the life cycles; describe the human life cycle.
  • Compare and group materials based on their properties, including hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, identify the areas where these materials can be used.
  • Identify reversible and irreversible changes.
  • Describe the structure of the solar system, describe the movement of the Earth and the Moon, explain the change of day and night, explain the gravity.
  • Determine the effect of air resistance and friction; tell about simple mechanisms (levers, pulleys and gears).

8 modules:

  1. Living creatures and their habitats,
  2. Animals and humans, Properties and state changes of substances
  3. Earth and Space
  4. Forces
  5. Evolution
  6. Light
  7. Electricity

8 projects 

Science vocabulary: About 200 words and phrases.

  • Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, amphibian, insect and bird, name the stages of the life cycle of animals, describe the process of reproduction in some plants and animals, talk about the human life cycle, and talk about healthy lifestyle.
  • Give a definition of evolution, talk about how plants and animals changed in the process of development and explain why this happened.
  • Compare and group materials based on their properties (hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, reaction to magnets), predict solubility of materials, identify reversible and irreversible changes.
  • Describe the structure of the solar system and talk about what place the earth occupies in it.
  • Describe the movement of light, explain why we see objects.
  • Build a simple electrical circuit that includes the main components (current source, switch, light bulb).

To get the best result we recommend studying all three subjects.

iPrimary (5-7 y.o.) Year 1, 2 iPrimary (7-9 y.o.)  Year 3, 4 iPrimary (9-11y.o.) Year 5, 6
3 subjects: Mathematics, Science and English 3 subjects: Mathematics, Science and English 3 subjects: Mathematics, Science and English
36 lessons on each subject, every lesson lasts 30 minutes 36 lessons on each subject, every lesson lasts 40 minutes 36 lessons on each subject, every lesson lasts 50 minutes
Price of the course (3 subjects) 1155 € Price of the course (3 subjects) 1540 € Price of the course (3 subjects) 1920 €
Registration fee 100 € Registration fee 150 € Registration fee 200 €
At the end of iPrimary Programme (Year 6) the students can take exams in Math, Science and English and get a world-renowned iPrimary certificates.

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