About this course
iPrimary is a complete, six year program for children from 5 to 12 years old. It is based on the latest English National Curriculum (2014) and includes the basic subjects of primary school: Mathematics, Science, English.
Designed specially for International Primary Schools, it comprises all the latest tendencies in Global education and the best practices of teaching at a Primary level. It perfectly fits the learners of English as the second language and covers the most engaging and inspiring topics for young learners to build strong foundations for the education at the higher levels.
Primary School (KS1/ KS2)
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Music
- Art
- Drama
- Topic
- Modern Foreign Languages (starting at KS2 as optional if EAL is not needed)
English as Additional Language – a course that is aimed to support the students who are not English speakers.
About subjects
iPrimary Maths programme is based on the latest English National Curriculum (2014) and provides a strong foundation in Mathematics. With its exciting games, practice activities, tricky problems, the course can easily capture children’s interest and inspire a genuine love of mathematics. The elements of mental arithmetic (abacus) are built in the course which helps to develop children’s memory, speed of thinking and lets them remain focused and engaged during a lesson. Content-language integrated approach(CLIL) and immersion into the English language environment helps to master students’ English and easily acquire all the necessary mathematics vocabulary.
Year 1-2
4 main modules:
- Number and Place Value
- Addition and Subtraction
- Geometry
- Measures
Math vocabulary: About 100 words and phrases.
- Count to 100.
- Read and write numbers from 1 to 20.
- Add, subtractcompare numbers within 100.
- Distinguish between odd and even numbers.
- Solve one-stage problems of addition and subtraction, represent graphically the conditions.
- Know the names of 2D shapes and their main properties.
- Know and find the main types of symmetry.
- Measure length or height.
- Sort objects on the Venn diagram.
Year 3-4
5 main modules:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Geometry
- Simple and Decimal Fractions, Coefficients, Percentages
- Measurements
Math vocabulary: About 150 words and phrases.
- Add and subtract 2-digit numbers to 100, round up to tens and hundreds, break the numbers into digits.
- Multiply and divide 1-digit and 2-digit numbers.
- Take measurements and convert some units of time, length, weight.
- Know the names of the months, days of the week, the number of days in each month, year and leap year; tell and record time.
- Know, recognize and create various 3D-forms, know their main properties.
- Find the parts of an integer.
- Solve complex problems on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; find time, cost, distance, weight.
Year 5-6
7 main modules:
- Properties of numbers
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and division
- Geometric figures
- Simple and decimal fractions, percentages, proportions
- Measurements
- Statistics
Math vocabulary: About 200 words and phrases.
- Read, write, compare, round numbers to 1,000,000.
- Add and subtract integers with more than four digits.
- Multiply and divide numbers using mental and graphical methods.
- Add, subtract, multiply, divide and compare fractions.
- Convert units of measurement.
- Know various 3-d shapes and their properties.
- Find the area and perimeter of rectangles.
- Measure, draw and compare angles.
- Draw reflected shapes.
- Read graphs and tables.
- Solve complex multistage problems.
What resources are used at Math lessons?
The course is based on the UK Primary mathematics toolkit called Abacus This unique resource, designed by Pearson, ensures understanding and progression for every student and inspires their genuine love to maths. It includes colourful presentations, interactive tasks, problem-solving activities and maths games.
What level of English do students need to study Math in English?
To start the course of iPrimary Mathematics (Year1 and Year2) students need to have A1 (Beginner) level of English: understand and use some basic phrases, ask and answer simple questions, read and write numbers. This will be enough to start the course. And only after the basic numbers are revised, the students will be introduced to new terms and operational words, the names of shapes and basic measures.
To join the course in Year3 and Year4, the students need to have Elementary level of English (A1-A2), and the students of Year 5 and Year 6 are supposed to have at least Pre-Intermediate level of English. They need to use English to read graphs, understand word problems and comment on their actions.
In teaching iPrimary English program we follow all the principles of learning English as a native language. The students learn to read and write with the help of phonics, they expand vocabulary, read, discuss and dramatise authentic stories, fairy-tales and poems. The English language is introduced to students as a system: they get acquainted with parts of speech, punctuation, etc.
Year 1-2
- 26 letters of the English. Alphabet (1 year) and 44 phonemes (2 year).
- Consonants and vowels blends, simple stories.
3 projects:
- ABC mini book
- Short vowel story
- Dramatising a story
- Know the alphabet and distinguish between letters and sounds; know phonemes and be able to read simple words, read graphemes, learn some sight words, know the correspondence of lowercase and uppercase letters.
- Listen and take part in discussions of simple poems, stories, fairy tales, determine the sequence of actions, answer simple questions on the content, predict the ending, share impressions.
- Recite simple poems.
- Spell words, copy and write from memory simple words and phrases.
- Use the punctuation marks: dot, comma, apostrophe, question and exclamation marks, capital letters.
- Understand and use some grammatical terms (subject, ending, apostrophe, etc.).
Year 3-4
- Alphabet (review)
- Letter combinations
- Simple stories
3 projects:
- My poem
- My story
- Dramatising a story
- Read small texts of different genres and take part in their discussion, determine their structure, answer questions about the content, guess the meaning of new words, give a simple description of the characters, determine the scene, the plot, the topic and the idea of the text, retell and dramatize it.
- Recite poems.
- Record simple sentences from memory.
- Use of punctuation marks: period, comma, apostrophe, question and exclamation marks, capital letters.
- Writing simple stories.
- Know basic grammatical terms (parts of speech, types of sentences, etc.), know and use in speech the main tenses of the English verb.
- Use the dictionary to enrich the vocabulary.
Year 5-6
- Read large volumes of texts of various genres, take part in their discussion, determine their structure.
- Reason arguments, describe the characters and the place of action, formulate the theme and idea of the read work, express an opinion.
- Distinguish facts and opinions, read «between the lines», determining the author’s attitude to what is happening.
- Expand knowledge of grammar, spelling, morphology, punctuation.
- Write texts of different styles and genres (letters, announcements, stories, fairy tales) according to a plan, divide the text into paragraphs, proofread, correct errors.
What is the difference between this English course and English as a Second Language at school?
Let’s compare the courses
General English at school
- We build basic vocabulary.
- We teach in a playful way (songs, chants, rhymes).
- Learning to read using whole-word recognition and phonics methods (by the end of the second year).
- Getting Ready for the Starters Exam.
- We develop fine motor skills.
- Learning to learn and communicate.
- We develop communicative skills in English.
English as a subject of iPrimary
- We build extensive vocabulary.
- Learning to read using phonics (by the end of the first year).
- Together with the teacher we read and discuss fairy tales and stories, role play them.
- We are working on spelling.
- We develop critical and creative thinking.
- We get initial knowledge of how the English language works, learn parts of speech, punctuation, etc.
- We develop communicative skills in English.
Do the students really need two different English courses - English as a Second Language and English as the native language?
When kids learn English as a mother tongue it is obviously different from learning English as a Second Language. While studying at school children learn general English and their courses are specifically designed for foreigners and exploit teaching methods aimed at students with different mother tongues and the English course we offer is the one aimed at english speaking kids and uses the approaches which are used to teach language and literature in your national schools in your language. Therefore, learning language differently will undoubtedly be beneficial for every student.
iPrimary Science programme is based on the latest English National Curriculum (2014) and provides a strong foundation in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Learning through simple experiments and interactive practical activities, children develop their curiosity and a genuine desire to explore the world. This helps to develop students’ learning-to-learn skills and critical thinking. Content-language integrated approach(CLIL) and immersion into the English language environment helps to master students’ English and easily learn the scientific vocabulary.
Year 1-2
5 modules:
- Parts of the body
- Seasons. Weather
- Plants
- Animals
- Materials
5 projects
Science vocabulary: About 120 words and phrases.
- Describe, identify, name, and recognize the functions of the main parts of the human body;identify feelings.
- Name the seasons, describe the weather, read the weather symbols.
- Recognize, name and group some common plants into flowering plants and trees, deciduous and evergreen plants; plant seeds and observe the process of growing; make a herbarium.
- Recognize and group the common animals (domestic/ wild; mammals/birds/fish/reptiles/ amphibians); name their food, their cubs.
- Identify and name the basic materials and their properties; examine the properties of sand, clay, water, wood, tell what the favorite toy is made of, describe their properties.
Year 3-4
6 modules:
- Research
- Animals and People
- Planet Earth
- Plants
- Physics
- Materials
6 projects
Science vocabulary: About 150 words and phrases.
- Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammals, amphibians, insects and a birds, name the stages of the life cycles; describe the human life cycle.
- Compare and group materials based on their properties, including hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, identify the areas where these materials can be used.
- Identify reversible and irreversible changes.
- Describe the structure of the solar system, describe the movement of the Earth and the Moon, explain the change of day and night, explain the gravity.
- Determine the effect of air resistance and friction; tell about simple mechanisms (levers, pulleys and gears).
Year 5-6
8 modules:
- Living creatures and their habitats
- Animals and humans, Properties and state changes of substances
- Earth and Space
- Forces
- Evolution
- Light
- Electricity
8 projects
Science vocabulary: About 200 words and phrases.
- Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, amphibian, insect and bird, name the stages of the life cycle of animals, describe the process of reproduction in some plants and animals, talk about the human life cycle, and talk about healthy lifestyle.
- Give a definition of evolution, talk about how plants and animals changed in the process of development and explain why this happened.
- Compare and group materials based on their properties (hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity, reaction to magnets), predict solubility of materials, identify reversible and irreversible changes.
- Describe the structure of the solar system and talk about what place the earth occupies in it.
- Describe the movement of light, explain why we see objects.
- Build a simple electrical circuit that includes the main components (current source, switch, light bulb).
What is Science in iPrimary? What do students learn?
It is one of the most exciting and practical subjects in the curriculum!
Along with English and Maths, Science remains one of the main core subjects in primary school. It is a real joy for teachers and pupils. All the children like the chance to learn through being totally hands-on and finding things out for themselves – the perfect way to understand the world around them. Success in Science during primary years is also key to encouraging children to not only study this at secondary school, but also potentially to follow it as a career.
At the early stages Science is like Understanding the World area of learning. Your child will mainly learn about science through games and play – which objects float and sink during water play, for example. Activities such as these will help your child to develop important skills such as observation, prediction and critical thinking.
What is the connection between the content of Science in different classes?
Сertain topics and areas are repeated across year groups, meaning that children may revisit a particular topic in each year of primary school but with increasing difficulty and with a different focus each time. For example, the area of animals, is taught every year, with a progression of knowledge and understanding from Year 1 to Year 6.
In Year 1 children look at the human body, recogne animal groups and sort these animals.
By Year 6, this develops into knowing the internal structure of the human body, classifying living things based on more complex characteristics. Alongside the skills the children need to become accurate, careful and confident practical scientists are also being developed. For example: In Year 1 a child may have to ask questions, carry out a simple test, record simple data and then try to answer questions.
By Year 6, they should be able to plan and carry out a fair test by using equipment accurately and taking exact readings or measurements. They are also expected to be able to draw conclusions from their results and record them using a range of graphs and charts.
iPrimary ICT program (years 1-6) helps students understand and apply the key ICT skills in computer programming, word processing, digital graphics, databases, spreadsheets, email, presentations, video/animation, the internet and web authoring. Modern, real-life and engaging content, including some issues of eSafety, builds analytical and logic skills and the skills of a responsible, confident and creative user of information and communication technology.
Year 1-2
Learners are introduced to text/word-processing software, graphics software, learn using ICT to classify information and present their findings in the form of simple charts or graphs. Begin to plan simple programs, understand how to choose the most appropriate search technique, write and send email messages.
- My first program
- My eSafety Rules
- Enter simple words, using keyboard or other input device.
- Select and edit text.
- Name, save and retrieve documents.
- Use simple shapes and lines to create pictures or patterns.
- Edit pictures, using visual effects.
- Use ‘save as’ to store edited pictures.
- Store and classify information.
- Present information in charts or graphs.
- Use charts or graphs to answer simple questions and draw simple conclusions.
- Plan a short sequence of instructions (an algorithm) to achieve a specified objective.
- Correct (debug) a short program containing one error.
- Use buttons, menus and indexes to search for and navigate to information.
- Use keywords to search for information.
- Select appropriate results.
- Create, send and forward email messages.
- Use email folders.
- Stay safe online.
Year 3-4
Learners expand their word-processing skills, learn to enter data, text and formulas into spreadsheets, learn the basic structure of databases, develop their programming skills, make use of the internet for information gathering, extend the use of email by sending and receiving attachments and using an address book, produce a short presentation for a specific audience using Multimedia.
- My email with attachments
- My first SHAPES program
- My eSafety Rules
- Create and edit a text document for a specific audience
- Add images or other objects to a document
- Refine and organise the layout of a document for a specific audience
- Create repeating patterns, using stamps and/or copy tools
- Create pictures, using a variety of tools and effects
- Select appropriate objects, copy and resize them
- Enter labels, numbers and simple formulas into a spreadsheet
- Create a graph
- Use a spreadsheet to answer a modelled scenario (‘what if’)
- Modify data and add new records to a data file
- Use ‘equals’, ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ in searches
- Rephrase a given question in terms of search criteria
- Plan an algorithm and create a program involving repetition to draw a simple shape or pattern
- Plan an algorithm to draw a complex shape or pattern, using decomposition
- Create a procedure and use it in a program to draw a complex shape or pattern Use internet tools to find information
- Evaluate relevance and usefulness of material
- Store and retrieve information
- Copy and paste information from a website
- Save URLs and objects from a website
- Use extended search skills
- Compose, edit, read and respond to emails
- Create and use an address book
- Create an attachment to an email
- Create a page of text, images and sounds which are activated by appropriately named and positioned buttons
- Use effective page design
- Organise screens and identify appropriate choices and links
- Create pages which offer the user options
- Demonstrate how the presentation meets the needs of the intended audience
- Stay safe online
Year 5-6
Learners expand their word-processing skills, create an automated presentation for a target audience, s use spreadsheet software to create a working spreadsheet with a clear purpose, design and implement their own database, create interactive programs, create a simple series of connected webpages, become familiar with what makes up a network, get introduced to either video-editing or animation software.
- My interactive presentation
- My database
- My webpage
- Create and format text which is suitable for a particular purpose.
- Adjust properties to allow graphics, or other objects, to fit well within the document, insert table into a document.
- Use advanced formatting features and page-formatting options.
- Create a plan for a presentation.
- Recognise and select appropriate source materials.
- Incorporate transition and animation, timings, audio and ‘build’ effects.
- Design and create a spreadsheet with a specific purpose.
- Design, create and develop a database for a specific purpose.
- Utilise different field types.
- Demonstrate an awareness of data security.
- Transfer data between applications.
- Plan and create an interactive program using abstraction.
- Test and correct (debug) a short program containing more than one error.
- Create a series of connected web pages.
- Include links, images
- Recognise HTML code.
- Design a simple network, iIdentify the purpose and components of a network Demonstrate understanding of management issues associated with networks Understand network security issues.
- Create a plan and source material for video or animation.
- Produce video or animation with appropriate software.
- Add soundtrack or narration to video or animation.
- Demonstrate awareness of how the finished media text addresses a specific audience.
- Stay safe online.
What resources are used at ICT lessons?
iPrimary ICT course is compatible with all commonly found devices:
- Windows desktops and laptops
- Mac desktops and laptops
- Apple/ Android tablets
You can also use one of the following operating systems
- Microsoft Windows
- Apple MacOS
- Chromium/Chrome OS
- Android (Smartphones and tablets)
- Apple iOS (iPhones and iPads)
You will also need the following software:
- Complete suites, which include word processing, spreadsheets, email and presentation software – Microsoft suite (Office, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook), Google suite (GDrive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail)
- Internet browsers (also known as web browsers) – Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer
- Audio/music players – iTunes, Spotify, Windows Media Player
- Email – Gmail
Photo viewers/graphics editors – Microsoft Photos, Sketchpad or others.
iPrimary TOPICprogram (years 3-6) consists of two integrated modules, a History Module and a Geography module and helps to inspire pupils’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its people in the present and in the past. It equips pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. It also develops pupils’ understanding who they are and how their environment and the world have changed over time.
The cross-curricular projects, based both on the topics from History and Geography, help to connect and correlate knowledge and experiences across subject areas and to understand it as a unified whole.
Geography Module
Year 3-4
Learners are familiarized with the features of the world, globally significant places and the place they live, learn to use maps, diagrams, globes.
- The place I live
- Treasure island
- Name, locate and identify the world’s seven continents and five oceans
- Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns, hot and cold areas of the world know and describe key physical features ( beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, etc.) and key human features (city, town, village, factory, farm, house, etc.).
- Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the countries, continents and oceans.
- Know and use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West), locational and directional language ( near and far; left and right], to describe the location of features and routes on a map.
- Devise a simple map; and use basic symbols in a key.
- Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of the place they live.
Year 5-6
Learners extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the country they live in.
- My country
- World wonders
- Locate the world’s countries and major cities of Europe , North and South America, Africa.
- Name and locate key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers).
- Identify the position in terms of latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern.
- Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones.
- Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle; human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity, including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources.
- Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied.
- Use the eight points of a compass, symbols and key.
- Observe, measure, record and present data using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies.
History Module
Year 3-4
Pupils should develop an awareness of the past, know where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.
- My family tree
- Tell about their family, life of their grandparents, identify features which have changed or remained unchanged in home, family and immediate local environment.
- Learn about world-famous people or events that are both within and beyond living.
- Name and tell about significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.
- Use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time.
- Examine a range of simple historical evidence such as photographs, objects, memories of older people, buildings, stories and songs.
Year 5-6
Pupils should continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, establishing clear narratives within and across the periods they study. They should note connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms.
- Learn all about the following periods of British history: Stone Age, Ancient Romans, Anglo Saxons and Scots, The Vikings, World War 2.
- Learn about some world civilizations in history: Ancient Greeks, Ancient Egyptians or Ancient Shang dynasty of China or the Indus Valley.
- Become familiar with aspects of the lives of these peoples (origins, homelands, homes of people, food and cooking, clothes, work and technologies, weapons, cultural or artistic achievements, myths and stories, faith and beliefs, leisure and pastimes).
- Use evidence and imagination to reconstruct elements of the past.
- Communicate the understanding of the past in a variety of ways: oral language, writing, drama, art work, modelling, other media, information.
iPrimary Art, craft and design program (years 1-6) is aimed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create that later can result in a high level of critical and creative thinking. At the lessons pupils try their hand in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design, learn about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Year 1-2
Pupils should be able to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products They use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination, develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space, learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers. |
· Formal elements of art · Art and design skills · Collage using different media (Themes: The seaside, Castles) · Sculptures and collages (Themes: Living things, Superheroes) |
Year 3-4
Pupils develop their techniques, including control and use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design. Pupils create sketch books to record their observations and use them to develop their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials. Pupils learn about ancient art and great artists. |
· Formal elements of art:shapes and shading. · Art and design skills. · Prehistoric art. · Craft. · Every picture tells a story. · Sculpture. |
Year 5-6
Pupils develop their techniques, including control and use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design. Pupils improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials. Pupils learn about great artists,architects and designers. |
· Formal elements: Architecture. · Art and design skills. · Every picture tells a story. · Design for a purpose. · Make my voice heard. · Photography. · Still life. |
To get the best result we recommend studying all three subjects.
iPrimary (5-7 y.o.) Year 1, 2 | iPrimary (7-9 y.o.) Year 3, 4 | iPrimary (9-11y.o.) Year 5, 6 |
3 core subjects | 3 Foundation subjects | 3 core subjects | 4 Foundation subjects | 3 core subjects | 4 Foundation subjects |
25 classes a week | 30 minutes each | 25 classes a week | 40 minutes each | 25 classes a week | 50 minutes each |
Price of the course: 1300 EUR per month (11700 EUR per year) | ||
Registration fee 200 EUR |
At the end of iPrimary Programme (Year 6) the students can take exams in Math, Science and English and get a world-renowned iPrimary certificates.