Designed and built with care, filled with creative elements

iLowerSecondary | English

iLowerSecondary | English

iLowerSecondary English

About this course

iLowerSecondary English curriculum contains two main strands, Reading and Writing, although the development of all four communicative skills, including Speaking and Listening, is woven throughout the course. The program ensures students to be engaged with a range of text types and learn to communicate effectively in written and spoken English. It gives the students more profound knowledge of English as a system, forms a habit for reading and gives an excellent foundation for International GCSEs in English.


What is the difference between this English course and English as a Second Language at school?

Let’s compare the courses:

General English at school:

  • We build basic vocabulary
  • We teach in a playful way (songs, chants, rhymes)
  • Learning to read using whole-word recognition and phonics methods (by the end of the second year)
  • Getting Ready for the Starters Exam
  • We develop fine motor skills
  • Learning to learn and communicate
  • We develop communicative skills in English.

English as a subject of iLowSecondary:

  • We build extensive vocabulary
  • Students read and respond to non-fiction and fiction texts, including comparison of non-fiction texts
  • They analyse texts and understand the ways in which writers achieve their effect
  • Students construct and convey meaning through written language, matching form to audience and purpose
  • We develop critical and creative thinking
  • We develop knowledge of how the English language works, focus on syntax and punctuation, etc
  • We develop communicative skills in English
Do the students really need two different English courses – English as a Second Language and English as the native language?

When students learn English as a mother tongue it is obviously different from learning English as a Second Language. While studying at school children learn general English and their courses are specifically designed for foreigners and exploit teaching methods aimed at students with different mother tongues and the English course we offer is the one aimed at english speaking children and we exploit the approaches which are used to teach language and literature in your national schools in your language. Therefore, learning language differently will undoubtedly be beneficial for every student. Students will be well prepared for further study in International GCSEs in either English as a First or English as a Second Language.

About 500 words and phrases

Text types


  • autobiography/biography
  • blogs
  • leaflets, brochures, guides
  • newspaper and magazine articles
  • instructions
  • reports


  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • historical
  • mystery
  • science fiction
  • traditional literature
  • poems
  • plays
Forms of writing
  • autobiographical
  • biographical
  • descriptive
  • diary
  • letter
  • narrative
  • newsletter
Purpose of writing
  • argue
  • describe
  • entertain
  • explain
  • express an opinion
  • inform
  • persuade
  • Acquire a variety of vocabulary and show understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading and writing.
  • Read and demonstrate understanding of different types of non-fiction and fiction texts, read accurately with fluency, demonstrating literal and implicit understanding, compare non-fiction texts effectively, select relevant textual evidence to support a critical response, explore a writer’s selection of ideas, intention and viewpoints.
  • Write in different genres: stories, poems (diamond, haiku, acrostic), advertisements of products and services, blogposts, articles, reviews, summaries and essays, write with clarity, accuracy and coherence, adapting language and style to suit different purposes and audiences.
  • Take part in discussions, recite poems and dramatise pieces of some plays.

To get the best result we recommend studying all three subjects.

Program iLowSecondary (for children 12-15 y.o.). Year 7-9
3 subjects: Mathematics, Science and English
36 lessons on each subject, every lesson lasts 60 minutes
Price of the course (3 subjects) 2280 EUR
Registration fee 200 EUR

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